Friday, January 16, 2009


Yay!  After a few days of calling and e-mailing I finally got an Optometrist to allow me to shadow him.  
The way it happened was hilarious too.  I called his office, and a man picked up.  I went through my story about being a student and wanting to gain experience and when I said I wanted to shadow an optometrist, all he said was "You want to shadow me?!".  That sort of threw me off, since I didn't know I was talking to the actual doctor.  haha  Then he said, "Soo..  do you just sit there and watch me or something?"  When you think about it, that is kind of what I do.
From then on, things got really informal (awesomeness!) and we went through times I could come in.  Basically, I can come in whenever I want and I'll just sit there and watch what he does, ask questions and such.  He also said that I could do some pre-screenings and help out with certain things.  We ended up agreeing on Friday and Saturday to start with.  
Friday will also be quite interesting because, as he later realized, that day his office is getting a new camera, so they're taking the day off to play with it.  hahaha  His exact words were "From 8 to 11 we'll see patients and from 11 to 2 we'll be off taking pictures of each other".   So, on the whole, he seems like a really nice, down to earth guy, which is fantastic.  I'm hoping I'll get to know him well enough to get a recommendation from him.  :D

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